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the magazine of the TUM Campus Heilbronn

A group of six people standing outdoors on a patio with a scenic landscape in the background. They are dressed in formal and semi-formal attire.

TUM Students Bring Fresh Ideas to Companies

For five days, students from the TUM worked primarily in small and medium-sized companies, where they solved real business problems.

Daniel Gottschald at Therapeutikum in Heilbronn

Shift Change Promotes Inspiration and Inclusion

A managing director in the production line of a social institution, a rehabilitation student in the administration of a university company – this became reality for one day during the campaign "Shift Change".

How Supply Chain Finance Leads to Greater Resilience

The Supply Chain Finance Hub 2022 in Heilbronn provided new insights into effective strategies.

Heilbronn Hosts the World

For more than 30 years, the International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems has stood for cutting-edge research in the fields of computer architecture and operating systems. Last fall, TUM Campus Heilbronn hosted the conference for the first time.

Dialogue, Not Monologue

Discussing digital transformation topics with experts from TUM Campus Heilbronn – that’s what the networking format TUM Connect is all about.

Off to New Shores!

No one is an island. This proverbial phrase by the English poet John Donne alludes to the human need for social closeness. But it also applies to TUM Campus Heilbronn.

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