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the magazine of the TUM Campus Heilbronn

A group of six people standing outdoors on a patio with a scenic landscape in the background. They are dressed in formal and semi-formal attire.

TUM Students Bring Fresh Ideas to Companies

For five days, students from the TUM worked primarily in small and medium-sized companies, where they solved real business problems.

From Old to Gold

Samuel Keitel and Tim Findeiß founded a start-up named Senior Connect to bring together energetic senior citizens and

companies seeking talent.

The Dog Whisperer

Alina Hafner is not only writing her doctoral thesis, but also decoding the emotions of dogs and cats in her spare time.

Prof. Helmut Krcmar (left) and Daniel Gottschald set an example for climate protection.

Sustainability in the Digital Age

TUM on the Heilbronn Campus Sets an Example at the COP28 World Climate Summit.

How Innovative Must Supply Chain Finance Be?

The fifth Supply Chain Finance Hub of the Technical University of Munich at TUM Campus Heilbronn featured an international panel.

The four guests engaged in a lively discussion on the panel moderated by Prof. Krcmar.

Using Creativity and AI to Combat the Skills Shortage?

At the TUM Talk network format at the Heilbronn Education Campus, experts will explore how the world of work is changing in times of demographic change and technological progress.

How Does AI Affect Society?

First Global Technology Forum at TUM Campus Heilbronn brings together experts from international Universities of Excellence.

Summit on Continuing Education

TUM Campus Heilbronn participates in the Global Upskill Summit.

Woment Makes Women Even Fitter for Leadership

Student Jessica Brügmann and executive Dr. David Kappel are a WoMent tandem, and a well-oiled machine. How do they benefit from their engagement in the cross-mentoring program?

“This Is Our Home!”

One signature, one sign: as a new partner, TUM Campus Heilbronn expands the regional Alliance for Transformation

Added Value for the Region

Four years ago, the Center for Digital Transformation was launched as part of the TUM Campus Heilbronn. A lot has happened since then.

The “Child Penalty”: Punishing Those Who Have Children?

Those who want to return to work after the birth of a child often experience their own family situation as an obstacle – the so-called child penalty. TUM Campus Heilbronn wants to promote discourse between companies and families anew.

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